Client Testimonials

After a year of working with Dr. Sue, I’m more at peace, more connected to myself and the world around me, and more resilient on tough days.

Before Somatic Experiencing®, I had tried EMDR, CBT, psychotherapy, and solo somatic practices—and nothing has helped heal my nervous system like this. Dr. Sue’s deep knowledge, warmth, humor, and fearlessness create a safe container to explore and grow. I adore her and this work and look forward to every session.

— Kira S., Writer

I began working with Dr. Sue in Somatic Experiencing to help manage symptoms of PTSD, and I can honestly say our sessions have been essential to my healing journey, and now daily maintenance of general stress.

She’s deeply intuitive and authentic, highly qualified and clearly cares for each of her clients. I’d be nowhere near as resourced and emotionally resilient today if I hadn’t been introduced to Dr. Sue, when therapy and counseling weren’t quite aligning with my needs. She helped me uncover powerful tools for mental and physical wellness that I can build upon on my own, which is so empowering! Highly recommend for anyone interested in strengthening their self care and support system.

— Carrie I. Musician, Yoga Teacher

When I first came to work with Sue, I knew very little about Somatic Experience.

When I first came to work with Sue over a year ago, all I knew about Somatic Experiencing was that it had to do with working with your nervous system as a way to resolve challenges in your life. Very gently and intuitively Sue gave me information at just the right moments and offered me skills that I can use on my own She has an ability to help me tie in what I am experiencing physically & somatically in the sessions to what I need to be aware of in my life, enabling me to live more fully. And her touch work is intertwined in a marvelous way!

— Jill Olesker, Storyteller & Homeschool Teacher

Dr Sue’s somatic therapy is a unique experience that has helped me become comfortable with increasing my bodily awareness and be able to acknowledge signs my body is giving me.

I feel more comfortable being in my own skin and it’s transforming my relationship with my self, my job and interpersonal relationships. Being able to regulate my own nervous system is an incredibly empowering experience. 

— Ash M, Interventional Radiologic Technologist 

My experience with Dr Sue can be defined as life saving.

Throughout the time we’ve worked together Dr Sue not only guided me through some of the toughest days of my life but also provided me with skills and resources I use on daily basis to deal with the challenges of being a widower, a single dad, a parent of a special needs child, and generally a human being with all the ups and downs that entails.  Dr Sue’s experience and insight into the human condition and skills in recognizing the most delicate details and movements as signs of deeper issues is incomparable to anyone I’ve ever dealt with.  

— Alex K, Dad & Observer 

I am a trained psychoanalyst. Before working with Sue I had been in a 5 year, three times a week psychoanalysis.

This helped me better know my own mind, but had left me somewhat alienated from my own body. Working with Sue, I have come to inhabit my body in profound ways. Listening to the moment to moment shifts in my body--- and the ways in which my mind overrides and ignores them--- I have come to realize just how broken my relationship between mind and body had become. And in starting to repair this relationship, I have begun the life-long journey of re-discovering my sense of true self.

— Naomi S, Psychoanalyst

When traditional psychotherapy wasn’t helping me I turned to Dr. Sue for assistance in resolving some of my most difficult life crises.

I never imagined the work would be so potent that I would stick with it for two and half years and counting. Somatic Experiencing with Dr. Sue has given me direct access to my own healing abilities, empowering and enlightening me along the way. “Know Thyself” was inscribed over the entrance at Delphi, but it would be equally at home above her doorway.

— Joe P, Musician

Sue is caring and compassionate in her approach to healing the body from within.

I have learned how to connect with my body to deal with trauma responses and sensory problems after seeing Sue for over two-years. Her knowledge and understanding has helped me to handle chronic pain and nervous system disregulation that was once all consuming. In addition to that, Sue has guided me out of my comfort zone when it comes to my fear of close connection and physical touch. She has made me feel safe and secure to trust her process, and I have so much gratitude for my experiences with her.

— Bianca M, Designer

Dr. Sue has been the healer that I needed all along.

I am not one to trust easily or share feelings with practitioners, but Dr. Sue’s kind, authentic, easy presence, her humor and her keen intuition make for an environment of comfort and openness.

I am trained as a psychologist and have done a lot of work with my mind. Dr. Sue gently led me into my body where my emotions are held, and I now have the capacity to calm myself in ways I never could have before.

She has taught me an entirely new language and I will be forever grateful to her. I am not a woowoo type and never believed in “healers” but this woman is the real deal. 

— Anne R., Ph.D.

I originally started seeing Dr. Sue for pregnancy-related sciatic pain.

Sue was so gentle with her approach and tailored everything to the fact that I was pregnant.  She used different techniques until finding the one that worked best for me, and she completely cured my sciatic pain.  A few years later when I was battling postpartum anxiety, I reached out to Sue again, but this time for somatic experiencing.  I didn't even really know what kind of help I wanted or needed, but I trusted that she'd know how to help me. 

In the year and a half that I've worked with her, she has helped me discover how my body reacts to stress and anxiety in ways that I never knew and would not have learned without her guidance.  I can now look back at moments in my life and recognize how my body was reacting to anxiety unbeknownst to my mind, and I now have coping mechanisms I can use in those moments.  She guided me from crippling anxiety to feeling empowered knowing that I have tools and resources to regulate. 

What's especially impressive is that all of our SE work was done virtually.  Beyond the fact that she has transformed how I think about my body and its reactions to stress, she is one of the most intuitive and deeply compassionate people I know.  She is a true healer in every sense of the word.

— Laurel A, Photographer/Educator

Sue is a brilliant and kind therapist who has helped me in immeasurable ways.

We’ve been working together exclusively via telehealth, which I was skeptical about. However, it’s been seamless. It also gives people all over the world the chance to work with Sue! Her ability to hone in on the body is remarkable. But it’s how she uses this ability to get to the core issues of one’s life that is so astounding. She then helps you use your own body to change age-old patterns. She is a master mechanic of the autonomic nervous system!

— Arielle Eckstut, Writer/Producer

Working with Dr. Sue has allowed me to shift from a paradigm of hiding parts of myself to being willing and able to look at whatever arises, knowing that healing alchemy is on its way.

Our work has loosened the hold of past conditioning to a degree I didn’t know was even possible, and I am leading a life of markedly greater freedom, synchronicity, and self-acceptance as a result of this therapy. I know that Somatic Experiencing and what I’ve learned from Dr. Sue will always be a bedrock for meeting adversity with presence, grace, and love.

— Tara, Educator/Singer/Rescue Cat Fosterer